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Token Verfication

Token Verfication

Step 1: Token Generation and Relay

  1. The Nuclei Server generates a temporary token and sends it back to the Partner Server.

    Sample Response

    "token": "<token>",
    "timestamp": 1234567890
  2. The Partner Server forwards this response, including the token, to the Partner Application.

Step 2: Token Validation by Partner Application

The Partner Application receives the token and passes it to the Nuclei SDK for processing.


NucleiSDK.validateToken(String token, String cif, int countryCode);
// requestCode can be any value.


CoreAdapterSetup.validateSeamlessToken(token, mobileNumber: <CIF>, countryCode: <Country Code>)
// requestCode can be any value.

Step 3: Token Verification and User Authentication

  1. The Nuclei SDK verifies the received token with the Nuclei Server to ensure its validity.
  2. Upon successful verification, the Nuclei SDK logs in the user based on the response from the Nuclei Server.