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How to Generate Payload

Indian User Handling

To generate the payload for an Indian user, encrypt the following string using AES:

<cif of user>|<deviceIdentifier>|<timestamp in long>|<CountryCode in integer>


CryptUtil.encrypt("IN9956304876|ABCDEF1234567|1510228077983|91", <PARTNER-SECRET-KEY>);

International User Handling

For users outside of India, include the relevant country code at the end of the payload in the same format:

<cif of user>|<deviceIdentifier>|<timestamp in long>|<CountryCode in integer>

  • Note: If no country code is provided, it defaults to "91" (India). Additionally, there is no length check for the mobile number.

Additional Notes

  • Use the class (provided at the end of this document) to perform AES encryption as shown above.
  • <SDK-PARTNER-KEY> is the key used to initiate the Nuclei SDK.
  • <PARTNER-SECRET-KEY> is a secret key used for server-to-server communication, necessary for the CryptUtil encryption.
  • <deviceIdentifier> should be retrieved from the user's Android device details.