- Extract the zip file provided during merchant onboarding.
- Rename the folder to
- Add the folder to your project directory.
Initialisation and Usage
The following code is written in basic HTML and vanilla JS
- At the top, add the following imports
<script src="./synapse_es6_js_sdk.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
- Initialise SDK using
const synapseSdk = new SynapseSdk(bridge)
- The methods in the sdk can be called as,
synapseSdk.initiateSynapsePayment(function body)
- The callback can be registered using the same Synapse-SDK reference.
synapseSdk.initCompletePaymentCallback((data)=>{//function body})
Integration Health Check
Once you install the JS SDK - to test if the integration is working as expected, you can add a button and call any method from the JS SDK, for example, on click of the button, initiateSynapsePayment() like so,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Initiate Payment</title>
<button id="paymentButton">Initiate Payment</button>
const initiatePayment = () => {
.then((val) => validateResponse(val))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
document.getElementById("paymentButton").addEventListener("click", initiatePayment);
After implementing this - click on the button and in the console you should be able to see.
JS: calling initiateSynapsePayment
If this is seen, the JS SDK is installed correctly 🚀