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How it works?

How it works?

Let's say a user wants to perform a Recharge transaction and clicks on "Pay Now" in the Nuclei SDK,

  1. The SDK shall notify the application that the user has clicked "Pay Now" through “onPaymentInit” callback method.
  2. The partner application can display their payments screen and handle the payment flow. The partner app can use data in NucleiPaymentInitData object to display on their payment screen.
  3. Bank App should also pass these data to the bank server so that it can do the necessary communication with the Nuclei server.
  4. Once the payment transaction has been processed, the status of the transaction has to be shared with the Nuclei Server & the Nuclei SDK.
  5. The Nuclei SDK shall redirect the user to the category specific order details page which will hold order details, transaction details of the particular transaction.
  6. The actual status of the transaction will be decided by communication between the bank server and the Nuclei server which will communicate in turn to the Nuclei SDK.